
Episode #29: Healthy Mama, Happy Mama Part 2 – Interview with FASTerway Coach, Kelly Kofflin

Link to Episode #29: https://thewholemamapodcastwithjennagibbons.buzzsprout.com/

“Your body is the vehicle to fulfill your purpose…honor it with whole foods, hydration, and movement.”

Gosh, I just LOVED this interview with my dear friend, and FASTERway coach, Kelly Kofflin! It is packed full of extremely important information about whole-food nutrition, hydration, intermittent fasting, macro nutrients, daily exercise, and personalized health goals!

Photo by Nathan Cowley from Pexels

Kelly shares how to nurture your body through movement, healthy, wholesome foods and more so you show respect for the body you are grateful for AND you may return that healthy and positive energy back out to the world.

As mamas, we are CONSTANTLY giving…often to the point of depletion. Kelly’s guidance in this episode encourages us all to find that healthy balance and reminds us to give ourselves grace! We must fuel our body in order to excel in other areas of our lives so that our tank doesn’t run empty. That way, we may give ourselves fully AND still have enough energy and happiness in mind, body, and soul.

Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

Kelly provides a glimpse into the transformational work she does as a FASTerway Coach. She equips her clients with the tools to successfully make this lifestyle change.

Please see links to resources below AND the best way to reach Kelly for more information. Her next round starts on March 1, 2021!!!

Remember: YOU are worth investing in and making this commitment to!!!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Kelly’s Instagram Account (includes lifestyle content and easy health tips and recipes): https://www.instagram.com/kellykofflin

Recipes/personal blog and more about Kelly’s FASTer way journey: fasterwaywithkellyk@gmail.com

Email: www.kellykofflin.com 

Sign up for the FASTer Way: https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/#thewholemama

Kelly’s next round starts on March 1st — but early access begins next week!!!

Early access provides 1:1 health coaching and program jumpstart!

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